Monday, May 26, 2014

Balancing Act

Many yoga students have a love-hate relationship with balancing postures. While they are beautiful to look at, they can be frustrating for those of us who are balance-challenged. No one wants to be the person quivering clumsily in the back of the class! But balancing postures can be an extremely valuable part of your practice, offering mental and physical benefits that will take you far beyond your mat. Maintaining balance requires strength, improves your focus and develops willpower. Successful balancing forces you to keep your awareness in the present. Without it, you’re sure to topple over! And in a world that constantly forces us to multi-task, it can be a nice treat to take some time to have a one-track mind. With practice, patience and a sense of humor, you’ll be balancing like a pro before you know it.

Here are a few of my favorite balancing postures:

1. Tree Pose (Vrksasana) – If you don’t have balancing poses in your practice, this is a great one to start with. In addition to opening the hips, thighs and chest, holding Vrksasana for several breaths can have an extremely calming effect on the mind. Yoga Mommy Tip – Rooting down into your standing leg will give you more stability in the pose. If you’re feeling shaky, keep your hands at your heart and bring leg to ankle height only.

2. Dancer (Natarajasana) – Along with opening the chest and shoulders, Dancer is great for strengthening the muscles in the legs and feet. Yoga Mommy Tip – Use a yoga strap to hold your foot as you develop the strength and flexibility to go deeper into the pose.

3. Half-Moon (Ardha Chandrasana) – Half-Moon is great for those wanting to develop focus. Finding one point of focus (drishti) can help you maintain stability in this intermediate balancing posture. Yoga Mommy Tip – If you find it difficult to balance or have neck injuries, keep your gaze at the floor rather than up at your top hand.

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